Avar Text Corpus

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Avar Text Corpus
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Grammatical form

Avar language (магIарул мацI in Avar)

One of the Caucassian languages. It has 790 thousand speakers, mainly in Dagestan, Russia, and in northern Azerbaijan. It belongs to the Avar-Andic-Dido group of Northeast Caucassian (Nakh-Dagestanian) language family. It is not only the native language of Avars, but also serves as lingua franca and literary language for many less numerous Dagestani peoples whose languages have not developed written standards. The standard Avar is based on the so-called bolmac (болмацI), a supra-dialectal norm that developed spontaneously as the language of communication between users of different dialects.
Try also:
Avar Language Romanizer
Converts text and web pages
from cyrillic to latin script.

How to search in the corpus – sample search queries

searching for sentences containing the word шагьар city or for collocations of this word
The sign ? replaces any single character. The search results will contain among others the words ворхатав tall (man), йорхатай tall (woman), борхатаб high (e.g. tree) etc.
The sign * replaces any string of characters (including an empty string). The search query эбел* will return results corresponding to words that begin with the string эбел or that are identical with it: эбел mother, эбелалъе to the mother, эбелалъухъ at the mother's etc. In the case of the query string *забизе all the words that end in ~забизе will be taken into consideration.

When searching for word forms, the search engine will display a list of words that correspond to the query with information on their absolute frequency in the corpus.
The sign ! stands for one arbitrary sign or for an emtpy string. The given search query will return results that correspond to the following forms: аскIове next to (a man), аскIое next to (a woman), аскIобе nex to (an impresonal object).
ва(ц|с)азе concordance collocations
The search engine treats two strings of characters put in parentheses and separated by the sign | as variants. Results that correspond to the simple query васазе to the sons or вацазе to the brothers will both be displayed for the given query.
(чIужу|руччаби) concordance collocations
The search engine will display results that correspond to the query чIужу woman or руччаби women.
кIудияб росу concordance collocations
When searching for concordances, phrases that contain both the words given in the query in any position relative to each other will be taken into account.

When searching for collocations only the first word will be taken into account and the other one will be disregarded.
The given query is not applicable to word forms serach, as in this case the query string must not contain spaces.
лъикI*_гIада* concordance collocations
When searching for concordances, phrases that contain the both words given in the query next to one another and in the given order will be taken into account.
When searching for collocations, the search engine will treat the entire query as one single unit.
The given query is not applicable to word forms serach, as in this case the query string must not contain underscores.

Text structure of the corpus (2,000,693 words)


List of source texts

The table below provides a list of the texts incorporated into the corpus. The first column contains an abbreviated form in which the information about the source text is presented on the concordance lists. When on the results page, click the abbreviation in order to view the full information about the source text.
АсСаeditorial teamАс-СаламБлаготворительный фонд ПутьMakhachkala2007 – 2012press, fornightly
Ахихeditorial teamАхихъан, Унсоколо районалъул газетаУнсоколо районалъул АдминистрацияUntsukul (Unsokolo)2012, 2013press, weekly
АхЧIАхIмадзиявдинов ТI.ЧIикIаб
Салатавиялъул бетIераб росу
БИАЗБиблия: Иоанние Аллагьас загьир гьарурал ишалБиблия таржама гьабиялъул институтMakhachkala2007religious text
БМатБиблия: Матфейица бицараб Рохалил ХабарБиблия таржама гьабиялъул институтMakhachkala2007religious text
Гумбeditorial teamГумбет, Гумбет районалъул газетаГумбет районалъул администрацияMekhelta2012, 2013press, weekly
ГуТаГусейнов М.М.
Таймасханов И.И.
ВатIан лъазабиДагестанский научный центр РАНMakhachkala2004textbook
ДинБДинмухIамаев Р.Бидухъ би [in:] МагIарул проза. 20-30-абилел соналДагестанский научный центр РАНMakhachkala2004prose, short story
ЗиМаЗиявуддин ГI.-хI.МавлидалМагIарул Миллиябгун Маданияб АвтономияMakhachkala2013religious text
ИсАхИсаев Ш.По следам предков (Ахвахцы)Khasavyurt2005monograph
МалММалачиханов Б.МестIер [in:] МагIарул драматургия. ХХ гIасруялъул 20-30-абилел саналMakhachkala2005drama
М. i А. (ed.)
Малла Насрудин магIарухъMakhachkala2014prose
МаСаМагомедова С.ГIумруялъул матIуцумада.руInternetpoetry
МиАнМикагIилов Ш.Анцухъ кIкIалахъ сордо [in:] МагIарул проза. 20-30-абилел соналДагестанский научный центр РАНMakhachkala2004prose, novel
МиКьМикагIилов Ш.КьагIу [in:] МагIарул проза. 20-30-абилел соналДагестанский научный центр РАНMakhachkala2004prose, novella
Миллeditorial teamМиллатООО «Миллат»Makhachkala2011, 2012press, weekly
МЛМаМухIамадова Л.Мадинаmagiarulal.comInternetprose, novel
НГТБН.В. ГогольТарас БульбаЭпохаMakhachkala2010prose, novel
translator Ш.И. Микаилов, ISBN 978-5-98390-071-4
СаНаСаидов М.-С.Наборщик [in:] МагIарул проза. 20-30-абилел соналДагестанский научный центр РАНMakhachkala2004prose, novella
СМХаСаидова М.Халидаprose.ruInternet2010prose, novel
ТайИТаймасханов И.И.ТIелкьал Кавказалъул рагъазулъMakhachkala2005monograph
ТаТIТаймасханов И.И.ТIелекьЭпохаMakhachkala2004monograph
Тестanonymous collection of texts on Avar language and literatureInternettextbook
ТIГIТIагьиров А.ГIандадерил ралъад [in:] МагIарул проза. 20-30-абилел соналДагестанский научный центр РАНMakhachkala2004prose, essay
ТIЦиТIагьиров А.Ци кквей [in:] МагIарул проза. 20-30-абилел соналДагестанский научный центр РАНMakhachkala2004prose, tale
УсМРУсахов М-Р.Авар адабият. ЦебетIеялъул тарих. Студентазе учебникДГПУMakhachkala2006textbook
ХIаАХIамзатов А.Авар мацIалъул ва адабияталъул мугIалимзабазе творческиял хIалтIабазул мажмугI2009textbook
ХIАДХIамзатов Г. Гь.Авар ва Дагъистан адабияталъул дарсазул кумекалъул алатал хIалтIизари (5-11кл.)Makhachkala2008textbook
ХIакeditorial teamХIакъикъат, МагIарулазул республикаялъулаб газетаНародное Собрание РДMakhachkala2012, 2013press, weekly
ХIаЯХIажиев З.Я нух балагьила, я хвел босила [in:] МагIарул проза. 20-30-абилел соналДагестанский научный центр РАНMakhachkala2004prose, novella
ХIБСХIажиев З.БацIил сордо [in:] МагIарул драматургия. ХХ гIасруялъул 20-30-абилел саналMakhachkala2005drama
ХIКъХIажиев З.Къиямасеб къо [in:] МагIарул драматургия. ХХ гIасруялъул 20-30-абилел саналMakhachkala2005drama
ХIРаХӏамзатов Р.[selected poems]Internetpoetry
ХIХШХIажиев З.ХIаскъилги Шамилги [in:] МагIарул драматургия. ХХ гIасруялъул 20-30-абилел саналMakhachkala2005drama
ХIХIХIажиев З.ХIурулъ арай магIарулай [in:] МагIарул драматургия. ХХ гIасруялъул 20-30-абилел саналMakhachkala2005drama
ХъМаХъахIабросулъа М.[selected poems]МахIмудил цIаралда бугеб фондMakhachkala2013poetry
Цолъeditorial teamЦолъи, Шамил районалъул газетаШамил районалъул собраниеKhebda (Ħebda)2012, 2013press, weekly
ЦIАУЦIадаса ХI.Айдемир ва Умайгьанат [in:] Пиесаби, ed. МуртазагIалиев А.Makhachkala2010drama
ЦIБаЦIадаса ХI.Базалай [in:] Пиесаби, ed. МуртазагIалиев А.Makhachkala2010drama
ЦIБГЦIадаса ХI.Балагьалъул гъамас [in:] Пиесаби, ed. МуртазагIалиев А.Makhachkala2010drama
ЦIГьeditorial teamЦIумадисезул гьаракь, ЦIумада районалъул газетаЦIумада районалъул администрацияAgvali2012, 2013press, weekly
ЦIКIЦIадаса ХI.КIодоласул ригьин [in:] Пиесаби, ed. МуртазагIалиев А.Makhachkala2010drama
ЦIМРЦIадаса ХI.Мирза ва Роза [in:] Пиесаби, ed. МуртазагIалиев А.Makhachkala2010drama
ЦIРДЦIадаса ХI.Рагъда данчIвай [in:] Пиесаби, ed. МуртазагIалиев А.Makhachkala2010drama
ЦIХьЦIадаса ХI.Хьитазул устар [in:] Пиесаби, ed. МуртазагIалиев А.Makhachkala2010drama
ЧиКъаль-Чиркави С.-А.Къисасулъ анбияъНуруль иршадMakhachkala2010religious text
ЧиМФаль-Чиркави С.-А.МажмугIатулъ фаваидНуруль иршадMakhachkala2010religious text
ШаБеШамилов М.-Н.Вехьасул макьу [in:] МагIарул проза. 20-30-абилел соналДагестанский научный центр РАНMakhachkala2004prose, novella
ШаГъШамилов М.-Н.ГъалбацI [in:] МагIарул проза. 20-30-абилел соналДагестанский научный центр РАНMakhachkala2004prose, novella
ШаРеШамилов М.-Н.РекIаразул чабхъен [in:] МагIарул проза. 20-30-абилел соналДагестанский научный центр РАНMakhachkala2004prose, novella
ШаСНШамилов М.-Н.Сафинатил нух [in:] МагIарул драматургия. ХХ гIасруялъул 20-30-абилел саналMakhachkala2005drama
ШеЗаШевченко Т.Г.
translator Микаилов Ш.И.
Васигат internet poetry
ЭРeditorial teamЭркенлъи РадиоRFE/RL, Inc.Praha radioerkenli.com2013-2015press, web portal
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Avar Language Corpus by BaltoSlav is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Some of the texts included in the courpus are subjects to copyright. For that reason the search engine enables viewing only short fragments of the texts at one time. When citing a text it is required to indicate the fragment's source, which is always given in the search results list (concordance), and the corpus' web address.